
Have you ever thought if the monsters exist? I have never thought about it. Although it is a true that I never liked to sleep with the wardrobe’s doors opened and, it is true that sometimes I have looked under my bed before on lying there and falling asleep. Still yet, my rational part always asked how these creatures could exist. Nevertheless, when the light turned off, I imaged an emaciated body on the floor, coming to me, yearning for my death. Once I asked the reason to look under the bed, but… would it be possible that something fell from the roof when everything was dark? Since that moment, I always lie on bed, with my eyes wide open, surrounding by darkness and I cannot stop thinking that there is a huge mouth on the roof, coming closer, wanting to eat me.

Even with all these thoughts, I have never believed that monsters existed… until now. Why do that images come to our minds when we think about that word? Why do we look for in the supernatural? I don’t know, but I do know that they exist. No, don’t look for a creature that drags itself wishing to put an end to our lives. Neither a huge mouth which wishing to eat you. We only have to look around and we will realize that we all surrounding by them, the human beings are the main monsters in this world; remember all the wars that we have been through and that we are still living on, the desire to make suffering to those who are weaker, to those who cannot defenn themselves, the satisfaction that we find in the destruction of our environment, the cheers that the strongest receive after killed another living being.

Human beings are characterized by the rational part. Let me tell you that this is a lie, because there is darkness living in our deep inside, becoming us into monsters. We can want to run away from that darkness, we can fall into it, we can live with it… but it will never disappear because it will always be there, patient, wanting to control us.

Now tell me, what will you do with the darkness that are in your heart? Will you fall into it? Will you run away? It does not matter, just let me tell you one last thing; welcome to the monsters’ world.




You jump into the void.

That is what you have done your whole life, but you are tired.

You are tired that everything goes wrong while you are walking in zigzag on a thin spider web. If you take a step too soon, everything falls. If the thin thread breaks, everything falls. . Still, you cling to it, believing that it is more a memory than a reality, wondering what your destination is.

Then, you stop and look around. You do not see anything. You are alone. Because, while you were trying to keep your direction, everything has been destabilized. And it leaps into the void before you, like pieces of broken ice becoming into a downpour.

You walk further, but your legs tremble. In that huge void surrounded by silence and darkness, you wonder when you listened to your last heartbeat. And what about the first one? You never realized it when you were alive. You never thought that it could stop. You just keep your way without thinking in nothing else.

Now, it rains. It rains everywhere. But you do not know how to remember the sound of the water. And it falls, with everything that you are, with everything that you were and with what you will never be.

You immerse yourself in the gold rain, you look up and two swords pierce your eyes: the reality. It wakes you up, scratches your face and burns you. You stand there, bleeding and in silence. You are burning; the water burns you and drowns you. The smoke fills your lunges, you breath the dust that is in the air.

You lose yourself within it. It buries you. And you finish even when you have not yet started.
